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EOS Newsroom

EOS Magazine

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Marwin Ramcke, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος, με μπλε κοστούμι και το δεξί του χέρι στην τσέπη του παντελονιού του, όρθιος σε ένα φωτεινό δωμάτιο.

Interview: EOS Board on the 2023/24 financial year

7 min.
The EOS Board on the 2023/24 financial year: How business has developed in the regions, why sustainability remains a key focus area, and how EOS is optimally prepared for the future.
Learn more

Annual and Sustainability Report 2023/24

Very good results in challenging times: In its 50th anniversary year, the EOS Group looks back on a demanding and successful financial year 2023/24. All key figures, business highlights and exciting throwbacks to 50 years of EOS as well as achievements and highlights of the EOS Group's commitment to its social, societal and environmental responsibility can be found in this year's annual and sustainability report.

Press Contact

EOS Matrix S.A.


423Β Vouliagmenis Avenue

163 46 Ilioupoli


Phone: +30 210 9792 990

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.